Sunday, June 17, 2007

Defeating An Ankle Bracelet


was re Vierno, mme seems frevaro,
quanno departed ppe first vote, you
ppe je nne 'n'Germania, emigrated,
Below ddoie nine mountain passes, cardboard king.

Pigliasti the currier the morning, they
putiano the cinco or ssei, I'll
nc'accompagnai SSAP and NNO,
since changed its dda my life.

Saglisti Giovene and so clean,
cco seen it begged him to Väddö,
Salierno perhaps, needless mme remember
affixed partment ppe, ppe gghié to ffatià.

Tinivi nafacci Below ppoco smile, ca
n'accovava melancholy, and
ppe ppe mmamma some facist
sfuorzi ppe you tremendous control.

Ricisti: "I'm leaving, but you are the mo ame
about the house adda ago scruple, and prutieggi
Mom helps to keep you mo chir'ati
about responsibility." And I

ruric'anni Tinia only
And Below pigliai all simplicity,
Sapia about back, but no SSAP quanno
viria about parties, hand ca mme pariah

Forsi rurava ppe n'eternità:
all depart, friends and Parienti ,
was na thing and not even normal
mm'addonai it was too ppe mme.

And before re mme twill Ristic
And no pot na mme conzolà ppe defeated lire, and
mmamma chiangenno abbrazzasti Below nomic
recenno've Penzo, do not you worry. "

them juorno Passaro, Passaro put them,
Venette summer and nno ssaccio ppecché
Tinia sempe Mman chere vvinti lire
nn'avìa the courage and re mme nc'accattà

na quarsiesi What, no ice cream bbello,
na carameddozza on'ata goodness
pirdietti poor deaf in the end I had none
ca ca value as a souvenir.

the Passanno tiempo capietti the fact you
Ca nn'ieri Fireball ppe ppe sempe mme,
capietti about them manna now deaf, but
quanno back, back ppe ppoco,

lettre type in the CCO bbasi and greetings, all, life
patuta and stale, and while
Criscia nnonna CCO and CCO mmamma
penzai much about chera vote starting
avia miso end to the 'nfanzia ppe mme.


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